How should chronic disease prevent and cure?

Time:2021-06-21 BrowseCount:677

Well-known experts on-site Solution Qingfeng Lanliuqian, courtyard quadrangle. Zhiqing’s artistic conception is far-reaching, and also the continuation of the past and the present. On December 29,2019, the opening ceremony of Jingxi Manor Chess and card club and the first chess and card competition of “Jingxi accompany each other in the new year”were held successfully in the Beijing member center of Jingxi Manor. The guest of honour is the leader of the “Strongest mind”team, Mr. Bao Ying, who is the world’s first blind chess player, and Mr. Chen Jihua, the owner of Jingxi Manor, who attended the event to share their skills with members of Jingxi and chess fans to welcome the new year, a feast for the memory of wisdom.


传播和发扬棋牌文化,为京玺会员提供更加广阔的交流空间与平台,是京玺庄园棋牌俱乐部成立的******目的和意义。未来,京玺庄园棋牌俱乐部将举办更多包括围棋、象棋、桥牌、德扑等在内,形式丰富、内容精彩的 棋牌活动,陶冶情操,愉悦身心,给予每一位京玺会员心灵与思想的礼遇。

夜幕悄然降临,时至晚宴,众来宾与京玺庄园庄主陈基华先生共享晚宴,相谈甚欢,气氛十分融洽。到此,京玺庄园棋牌俱乐部成立仪式暨第一届棋牌赛圆满结束。于2019尾声与2020伊始之际,为2019年画上完整的 句号,也为2020年乐开好头。白雪映朱门,匆匆又新岁。记住每一刻感动,分享更多份快乐。有京玺,更惊喜。期待下一次精彩对战!